Thursday, November 5, 2009

He's finally crawling!!

On November 3rd Brett started crawling. Well I guess it's more of a scoot, but either way he can get from one place to the other. Guess I have to baby-proof the house now and keep it vacuumed and crumb free. Fun fun.

Stopping for a snack.

We have a crawler.


The Poore Family! said...

How exciting!!!!!! I'm glad that see all is going well over in Texas. I'm sure it was so nice to see your family in Idaho as well! It's always good to be able to get out of the state for a little bit. I know when Cam was in school studying like crazy, I flew up to Colorado with Elliotte and it was so nice just to have a change of scenery for a little bit and let other people play with her! I know Cam has been meaning to call Neeley, so I'm sure he will call soon to see how he is doing.
P.S. Your little Bretty is such a cutie!!!

Adrie said...

That is exciting!!! You better get on that baby proofing, soon he will be in to everything and you will wish he wasn't crawling anymore. I can't belive how darn cute and big he is already. I hope everything is going good with you guys, take care!

Emily White said...

at least the snack wasn't a little nugget of dog poo with pebbles stuck on it :)

Alissa Allen said...

That is so cute! Good for Brett! We love you guys!

Megan said...

HE is so big! What an exciting milestone. He is talking alot too! I loved watching the videos:)