Brett discovered his toes a while back and he is a bit obsessed with them. Here I am catching him in the very act. Side note: check out the awesome widow's peak! I think he is going to be a vampire for Halloween.
Brett's ears are starting to stick out a little bit more each month, so we decided we would try some things to help them stay back. My brother Dave suggested a sweat band. I thought it was a great idea...but Brett didn't like the idea so much. He had that dang thing off his head in 10 seconds. I did manage to capture this hilarious shot before he ripped it off! Haha.
Hailee bought Brett these awesome foam letters and numbers for tubby time. They are awesome because they stick on the tub so easily. Jeff would put them up on the side and Brett would rip them off and put them right in his mouth. They are the best bath toys, thanks sis.
Saturday we were wanting to get out of the house. We decided to go kayaking in the lake outside our apartment. We bought Brett a little life jacket and headed for the lake with our inflatable kayaks. We tied the kayaks together and Jeff paddled in the front kayak while me and Brett lounged in the back kayak. After a while Brett started crying and so Jeff took him up front to paddle with him. Brett was magically better and lovin' time with his daddy. I'm sure it was a site to see. Jeff up front with a little baby, paddling 2 kayaks, with me in the back lounging and sunbathing, I kind of felt like a loser. Everybody we passed in the lake was like "now that's the way to ride".
The sweat band picture is the bomb! I can't stop laughing. He's so dang cute! Miss you guys!
dude i love the sweat band that is hilarious! enjoy your last weekend of freedom...sniff sniff
I love running in the rain! It will be fun when we have kids to play in the rain with (and do other "kid things" with) because I would feel weird doing it alone.
We were watching Mama Mia last night and decided that you look a lot like the character Sophie.
You crack me up Lindsay! I am all about riding that way when it comes to kayaking umm ya, don't know how to spell. You guys look like you always have so much fun together. I love the widow's peak Jace has one too!
Sounds like you guys are doing well! Brett is so dang cute! Hope school goes well for Jeff! That's so exciting! Good luck with everything!
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