Happy Valentines Day to my two favorite boys in the whole wide world. I love watching them together, it is so sweet.
Brett's plaid shirt is size 9 months, but I walked into the room and that is what Jeffrey had dressed him in, this little boy will be hunting and fishing before we know it.
Jeff loves having tummy time with Bretty on his chest, and often times the baby falls asleep. I think he like the vibrations when Jeff talks and sings.
Jeff tries to have scripture study with Bretty, but he's not very interested!
Little Bretty is growing so much, he is 5 weeks old today! Hooray, he is still alive, I must be doing something right! He is starting to get little fat pads on his fingers and rolls on his thighs! He is sleeping well, about 4-5 hours at a time at night, and that makes for a very happy mommy. He is starting to smile and coo and tell us stories, when he gets excited he starts breathing like crazy, it is hilarious. Jeff and I could just sit on the bed and watch him for hours. I haven't been able to catch a smile on the camera yet, but I will post more pics as soon as I get them, his smile melts my heart.