Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This little lady is such a gem, we sure love having her in our house. I kind of feel bad for her because she doesn't require as much attention as the other two, and I don't ever want her to feel forgotten. I try to spend good time with her each day. She is starting to copy everything we say and it is so cute in her little munchkin voice.
Cute Dantzel doings:
--Every time someone sneezes she says "bess ew mommy"
--She loves putting on clothes; one time we took off four pairs of pants before we got to the diaper
--She STILL eats dirt frequently.
--She is very polite and says "thank" after receiving something.

Love this little chipmunk smile! Jeff and I got new running shoes in the mail and Dantzel had to try them out first!

Yup :)

What a cute little mommy-in-training.

1 comment:

Emily White said...

a teaspoon of dirt a day right?!?!?! hahaha